Follow our NLP Tutorial: Question Answering System using BERT + SQuAD on Colab TPU which provides step-by-step instructions on how we fine-tuned our BERT pre-trained model on SQuAD 2.0 and how we can generate inference for our own paragraph and questions in Colab.
QnA demo in other languages:
- BERT NLP QnA in English
- BERT NLP QnA in Hindi
- BERT NLP QnA in Arabic
- BERT NLP QnA in Spanish
- BERT NLP QnA in French
- BERT NLP QnA in German
- BERT NLP QnA in Chinese
- BERT NLP QnA in Portuguese
- BERT NLP QnA in Italian
- BERT NLP QnA in Turkish
Feel free to give us your thoughts on this demo and please contact us at If you want to have your own QnA system in your own language we can help you to make it happen. And don't forget to check out more interesting NLP services we are offering.
Developed by: Pragnakalp Techlabs