December 4, 2018 No Comments

Chatbots are gaining popularity. Numerous chatbots are being developed and launched on different chat platforms. There are multiple chatbot development platforms like Dialogflow, Chatfuel, Manychat, IBM Watson, Amazon Lex, Mircrosft Bot framework, etc are available using which you can easily create your chatbots.

If you are new to chatbot development field and want to jump into it, this tutorial could be very helpful. Today I will take you through a detailed Dialogflow tutorial to develop your Resume Chatbot for Google Assistant.

About Dialogflow

Dialogflow is a popular chatbot development platform by Google. It provides graphical interface to manage flow of chat conversation. The crucial part of any chatbot is NLP (Natural Language Processing). The system should be able to process the input provided by users and extract meaning/context out of it. And one reason to select Dialogflow for creating this chatbot is taking advantage of Google’s highly superior NLP. 

Dialogflow supports voice assistants like google assistant and amazon alexa.

Also, another big benefit of Dialogflow is that, once we develop a chatbot, we can integrate it with messaging platforms like Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Telegram, Line, Kik, Slack, Amazon Alexa, etc.

Update: We are now making the resume agent available as zip file. You can simply download it and import in your agent. Just sign up below to download the agent.

* indicates required

Let’s begin the Resume Chatbot development.

1. Google signup

To start using Dialogflow you need to have a Google Account. If you are already using gmail, then you can login using that account. Or you can create a new Google account.

After logging in you will be redirected to account setting page. Where you can select your country and choose email preferences as per your choice. You have to check the terms of service checkbox and click Accept button to proceed further.

Now you will land on welcome page of Dialogflow to kickoff your journey in exciting world of chatbot development.

2. Agent creation

To start with a new chatbot development in Dialogflow, we need to create an agent.

Provide a name for your agent and select the default timezone. Choose default language as per your preference.

3. Intents

Intents are basic building blocks of chatbot in Dialogflow. Intents map user input to responses. Dialogflow provides two default intents ‘Default Welcome Intent’ and ‘Default Fallback Intent’ for each agent you create.

Let’s have a look at what these default intents do.

a. Default Fallback Intent

When we create a new agent, Default Fallback Intent is automatically configured with various responses. Default Fallback Intent is called when user’s input does not match with any other intent.

We can change text responses in the Default Fallback Intent. When user enters input and that doesn’t match with any intent the

Default Fallback Intent select random response from the list of responses.

b. Default Welcome Intent

Default Welcome Intent is automatically configured with various training phrases and responses. This intent will be triggered when user starts interaction with our chatbot. Even when he hasn’t provided any input this intent will be invoked.

Now click on Default Welcome Intent. You can see Contexts, Events, training phrases, Action and parameters and Responses.

We can start building our bot by adding Training phrases and Responses

Training Phrases are used for matching with user inputs

When User’s input matches with any of these training phrases Default welcome intent triggers.

Response will be returned randomly from the list of responses.

4. Create New Intent

To create a new intent either click on + symbol next to intents menu on left sidebar or click on “CREATE INTENT” button on top.

Enter Intent name and click on save button.

Under Training Phrases section, we can see textbox “Add user expression”. Enter your training phrases and click save button.

You need to enter training phrases as per the intent. You need to decide what type of user input will invoke this intent. For example, for this Introduction intent, I have added “tell me about yourself” and “introduce yourself”.

Now scroll down to responses section. Every intent must have at least one response. In the Text response box, type a response and press Enter. We can add multiple responses. Intent use random responses from the list you have entered. Don’t forget to click on save button otherwise your changes won’t take effect.

5. Rich Responses

In Dialogflow there are multiple types of responses not just simple Text Response. You can use it for different purposes to show off your information in better way. For example, at times you might need to display some image or list of items or external links, etc. In those cases Rich responses come handy.

As per the chat platform (Google Assistant, Facebook Messenger, Kik, Telegram, Slack, etc) there are different options for rich responses as not all types are supported on different chat platforms.

Let’s explore the rich responses options provided for Google Assistant using different intents we need to create for resume.

Now in responses section click on + symbol next to DEFAULT and select Google Assistant from list.

Click on “ADD RESPONSES” button. You can see different types of responses.


Suggestion chips are used for hint to continue conversation. It indicates user what to do next.

Introduction, Experience, Projects, Contact

Create Introduction Intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Introduction
– Introduce your self
– Tell me about yourself

For response, you can use Simple Response/Basic Card/List/Carousel.

For this intent you can add simple response like below.

Create Experience Intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Experience
– Tell me about your experience

For response, you can use Simple Response and Table Card.

Table card is used to represent your data as table. It provides static data.

Note : At least one simple response is required with Table Card response.

Create Projects Intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Tell me about your projects
– Your academic projects

For response, you can use Simple Response/ Browse Carousel Card.

Browse carousel card can be scrolled horizontally. This card is used for opening selected external website links in browser.

Create Career objective intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Your goal
– Your career objective

For response, you can use Simple Response/ Suggestion Chips.

Create Area of interest intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Tell me about your interests
– What are your interests

For response, you can use Simple Response/ Suggestion Chips.

Create Educational Qualifications Intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Education
– Educational qualifications
– Tell me about your education

For response, you can use Simple Response and Basic card / Suggestion Chips.

We can display image, title subtitle, text description, link using basic card response.

Create Strengths & weakness intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– What are your strengths
– Tell me about your strength and weakness

For response, you can use Simple Response and List.

In this response we can display multiple items as a list.

See Screenshots below I have added required values in list response. Option key in item is used as user input value, it means if user will click on particular item then key of that item will be next user input.

Create Contact intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Your contact detail
– How can I contact you

For response, you can use Simple Response/ Text Response/ Browse Carousel Card.

Create References Intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– What are your references

For response, you can use Simple Response, Basic Card, Suggestion Chips and Link out suggestion.

Link out suggestion is used to link external website URL. The title will be Anchor text of the link.

Create Exit intent

For this intent we can add training phrases like:
– Bye
– Good bye
– Get lost
– Bye bye
– Farewell

For response, you can use Simple Response/ Text Response.

See in below screenshot. To make this intent as end of conversation select / turn on “Set this intent as end of conversation” switch/button/option.

When user enters bye, good bye as input then simple response will be displayed. And as we have marked this intent as “End of conversation” intent, the conversation will end and user will exit our app.

There you are! Your resume on chatbot is ready! In this tutorial we saw how to create the chatbot using Dialogflow. In the second part more information is given on how to launch your resume chatbot on Google Assistant.

Hope this helps you to get started in Chatbot Development world. Do let us know your feedback of questions in comment section.

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